Formation Drones with Double-Integrator
This benchmark models represent the formation control of distributed drones with double-integrator dynamics. Each drone sends its own position and velocity sets a proper acceleration. The goal of these models is for all drones to maintain a formation tracing the reference drone without any collision.
You can download the benchmark models:
Top-Level Components
We provide six cases of benchmark model: two, three and four drone components moving in one or two dimensional plane.
HybridSynchAADL Model: Controller and Environment
thread Drone1DControlThread
currX: in data port Base_Types::Float;
currVX: in data port Base_Types::Float;
inX: in data port Base_Types::Float;
inVX: in data port Base_Types::Float;
outX : out data port Base_Types::Float;
outVX: out data port Base_Types::Float;
accX: out data port Base_Types::Float;
refX: in data port Base_Types::Float;
refVX: in data port Base_Types::Float;
Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
end Drone1DControlThread;
thread implementation Drone1DControlThread.impl
offsetX: data Base_Types::Float;
refVX0: data Base_Types::Float {Data_Model::Initial_Value => ("0");};
annex behavior_specification {**
nx, refaX : Base_Types::Float;
init : initial complete state;
exec, output : state;
init -[on dispatch]-> exec;
exec -[abs(currX - inX) < 0.3]-> output{
accX := -currVX
exec -[otherwise]-> output {
refaX := (refVX - refVX0);
nx := refaX - #DroneSpec::alpha * (currX - offsetX - refX + #DroneSpec::gamma * (currVX - refVX))
- #DroneSpec::A * (currX - offsetX - inX + #DroneSpec::gamma * (currVX - inVX));
if (nx > 0.5) accX := 40
elsif (nx > 0) accX := 0
else accX := -40
end if
output -[ ]-> init {
outX := currX - offsetX;
outVX := currVX;
refVX0 := refVX
end Drone1DControlThread.impl;
thread Drone2DControlThread extends Drone1DControlThread
currY: in data port Base_Types::Float;
currVY: in data port Base_Types::Float;
inY: in data port Base_Types::Float;
inVY: in data port Base_Types::Float;
outY : out data port Base_Types::Float;
outVY: out data port Base_Types::Float;
accY: out data port Base_Types::Float;
refY: in data port Base_Types::Float;
refVY: in data port Base_Types::Float;
Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
Classifier_Substitution_Rule => Type_Extension;
end Drone2DControlThread;
thread implementation Drone2DControlThread.impl extends Drone1DControlThread.impl
offsetY: data Base_Types::Float;
refVY0: data Base_Types::Float {Data_Model::Initial_Value => ("0");};
annex behavior_specification {**
nx, ny, refaX, refaY : Base_Types::Float;
init : initial complete state;
exec, output : state;
init -[on dispatch]-> exec;
exec -[abs(currX - inX) < 0.3 and abs(currY - inY) < 0.3]-> output{
accX := -currVX; accY := -currVY
exec -[otherwise]-> output {
refaX := (refVX - refVX0);
nx := refaX - #DroneSpec::alpha * (currX - offsetX - refX + #DroneSpec::gamma * (currVX - refVX))
- #DroneSpec::A * (currX - offsetX - inX + #DroneSpec::gamma * (currVX - inVX));
refaY := (refVY - refVY0);
ny := refaY - #DroneSpec::alpha * (currY- offsetY - refY + #DroneSpec::gamma * (currVY - refVY))
- #DroneSpec::A * (currY - offsetY - inY + #DroneSpec::gamma * (currVY - inVY));
if (nx > 0.5) accX := 40
elsif (nx > 0) accX := 0
else accX := -40
end if;
if (ny > 0.5) accY := 40
elsif (ny > 0) accY := 0
else accY := -40
end if
output -[ ]-> init {
outX := currX - offsetX;
outVX := currVX;
refVX0 := refVX;
outY := currY - offsetY;
outVY := currVY;
refVY0 := refVY
end Drone2DControlThread.impl;
system Environment1D
currX : out data port Base_Types::Float;
currVX : out data port Base_Types::Float;
accX : in data port Base_Types::Float;
Hybrid_SynchAADL::isEnvironment => true;
end Environment1D;
system implementation Environment1D.impl
x : data Base_Types::Float;
dotx : data Base_Types::Float;
dotdotx : data Base_Types::Float;
C1: port dotx -> currVX;
C2: port x -> currX;
C3: port accX -> dotdotx;
Hybrid_SynchAADL::ContinuousDynamics =>
"dotx(t) = ((0.001) * dotdotx * t) + dotx(0);
x(t) = (x(0) + (0.001 * dotx(0) * t) + ((0.000001) * dotdotx * t * t) / 2) ; ";
end Environment1D.impl;
system Environment2D extends Environment1D
currY : out data port Base_Types::Float;
currVY : out data port Base_Types::Float;
accY : in data port Base_Types::Float;
Hybrid_SynchAADL::isEnvironment => true;
end Environment2D;
system implementation Environment2D.impl extends Environment1D.impl
y : data Base_Types::Float;
doty : data Base_Types::Float;
dotdoty : data Base_Types::Float;
C4: port doty -> currVY;
C5: port y -> currY;
C6: port accY -> dotdoty;
Hybrid_SynchAADL::ContinuousDynamics =>
"dotx(t) = ((0.001) * dotdotx * t) + dotx(0);
x(t) = (x(0) + (0.001 * dotx(0) * t) + ((0.000001) * dotdotx * t * t) / 2);
doty(t) = ((0.001) * dotdoty * t) + doty(0);
y(t) = (y(0) + (0.001 * doty(0) * t) + ((0.000001) * dotdoty * t * t) / 2); ";
end Environment2D.impl;
Safety Requirement
We analyze the safety invariant property where drones do not collide up to bound 500 ms.
proposition [initial] : abs(drone1.env.x + 0.1) < 0.01 and abs(drone1.env.y + 0.1) < 0.01 and
abs(drone2.env.x - 0.5) < 0.01 and abs(drone2.env.y - 0.5) < 0.01 and
abs(drone3.env.x - 1.5) < 0.01 and abs(drone3.env.y - 1.5) < 0.01 and
abs(drone4.env.x - 2.5) < 0.01 and abs(drone4.env.y - 2.5) < 0.01 and
abs(refDrone.env.x - 0.3) < 0.01 and abs(refDrone.env.y - 0.3) < 0.01;
proposition [someClose] : (abs(drone1.env.x-drone2.env.x)<0.3 and abs(drone1.env.y-drone2.env.y)<0.3) or
(abs(drone1.env.x-drone3.env.x)<0.3 and abs(drone1.env.y-drone3.env.y)<0.3) or
(abs(drone1.env.x-drone4.env.x)<0.3 and abs(drone1.env.y-drone4.env.y)<0.3) or
(abs(drone2.env.x-drone3.env.x)<0.3 and abs(drone2.env.y-drone3.env.y)<0.3) or
(abs(drone2.env.x-drone4.env.x)<0.3 and abs(drone2.env.y-drone4.env.y)<0.3) or
(abs(drone3.env.x-drone4.env.x)<0.3 and abs(drone3.env.y-drone4.env.y)<0.3);
invariant [tb_500] : ?initial ==> not(?someClose) in time 500;
Analysis Results