STTT 2021

This page explains the artifact for our paper: "Modeling and Formal Analysis of Virtually Synchronous CPSs in AADL" by J. Lee, K. Bae, , P. C. Ölveczky, S. Kim, M, Kang. The artifact includes the HybridSynchAADL tool and the scripts for running the experiments in the paper. Apart from providing significantly more detail, this paper extends our conference tool paper.

Formal semantics for HybridSynchAADL

We define the formal semantics of HybridSynchAADL using Maude with SMT solving. HybridSynchAADL components are symbolically represented as Maude terms with SMT constraints. We thoroughly tested the formal semantics and the generated models. We developed a test suite for unit testing of the equations and rules in the formal semantics, and a test suite for system testing of the code generation and state merging. The test suites are located in semantics/test

Benchmark Models

In the paper, we analyzed HybridSynchAADL models: networked watertank, thermostat controllers, and rendezvous and formation control for distrubted drones. For other tools(SpaceEx, Flowstar, HyComp, and dReach), we encoded the synchronous designs of the HybridSynchAADL models as networks of hybrid automata.

HybridSynchAADL tool

To install our hybridsynchaadl tool, download and unzip the following archive files: The artifact requires the following libraries:

In the artifact, the HybridSynchAADL tool is located in the directory hybridsynchaadl/osate. For the workspace, use the directory hybridsynchaadl/workspace, which includes a HybridSynchAADL model FourDronesSystem. You also need to set the Maude path: in the top menu, go to Window => Preferences => Maude Preferences, and fill the Maude directory and executable Maude file.

Maude Preferences


We provide the artifact to reproduce the results in our paper. The artifact includes semantics, models, tools, scripts to automatically perform experiments and Readme.txt.